Tom Talks Taylor, Relationships and Bolognese in GQ March

Following the fan pictures posted on social media a few weeks ago, it turns out the photoshoot (in London) was part of Tom’s editorial for the March issue of GQ US. The interview was posted on GQ’s official site and personally, I believe it to be one of Tom’s most personal interviews.

It’s not so much unknown news now that Tom was in a relationship with Taylor Swift and after 3 months, sadly they broke up. As many fans of Tom know, he is very protective of his person life, so to see some of the detail he goes into in the GQ interview is quite upsetting, as a fan of him. It is also interesting to hear Tom’s view and positivity.

I hope we can all show Tom and GQ writer, Taffy Brodesser Akner that we are very appreciate of the insight to Tom’s life and the overall interview! Below are a few snippets.

This is important to keep in mind while you’re getting to know Tom Hiddleston: His zeal is bottomless. It’s one of many things that were it not for what we know about his personal life, we might already know more about.

You might know, instead, that he’s an English gentleman of the purest caliber who has never spoken out of turn about any of his relationships, who roots for his co-stars and colleagues loudly (really loudly) over social media, who has never been caught flipping the bird at the paparazzi who hunted him after his famous breakup, who wouldn’t curse during my many hours with him no matter what the circumstance because his mother would be so disappointed to read it. 

“Taylor is an amazing woman,” reads the prepared statement Tom Hiddleston has memorized and is now giving me at The Bull & Last, where his voice has gone low. “She’s generous and kind and lovely, and we had the best time.” But I didn’t ask that, I say. I asked something else. So I wait, and he says, “Of course it was real.”

Please do read the article and be sure to buy the magazine!

Onto the even better news, I have added images from Tom’s photoshoot to the gallery and also screencaps of the video that GQ posted, depicting Tom suited up in a Brown suit. I shall hopefully add magazine scans in the coming days! As of 15th February 2017, scans have been added to the gallery!

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