Audible Studios, a production arm of, today announced the release of Tom’s vivid interpretation of J. G. Ballard’s unnerving dystopian novel, High-Rise. The narration by The Avengers star Hiddleston, which anticipates the release of a new film adaptation of the novel in the fall, is available for download at
“I spent last summer holed up as Dr. Laing on the 25th floor of the ‘High Rise,’ as brought to life on film by Ben Wheatley and Amy Jump,” said Hiddleston. “The book was always, necessarily, our cornerstone. Ahead of the release of the film, it was great to go back to J. G. Ballard’s original text and to read it aloud. Ballard was prescient about so many things: our seduction by (and reliance on) technology; our attempted colonization of the sky; and his particular, distinguishing implication that modern civilization is perhaps only a few neighborly disagreements away from collapse and chaos.”
Source: Finances